Oakley is 13 months 3 days old. She is doing so much. Her favorit words are uh oh. Anytime she drops something or if someone else does something that she thinks is a no no she will say "uh oh". She is always so happy.
It is like she knows that she is a little Blessing. Oakley took 15 steps across the kitchen floor this week but still hasn't just let go, we know that she can but we are not pushing her. Brian and I know she will walk on her time. She loves being outside we had a few pretty days where we could enjoy the sunshine but then the rain came and the weather turned cold again.
Oakley would stand at the window and cry outtide.
I have been trying to teach Oakley some baby signing.She can do the sign for Thank you and More. I work with special needs children at school and Oakley has amazed me at how fast she has picked up on these in such a short time.
We have weathered the winter without any major sickness, we have faught with the dreaded ear infections and one cold. (Knock on Wood)!!
Oakley had her last RSV shot the end of Feburary so we are trying to stay out of crowed places until after Easter (per doctors orders). We do take Oakley to church every Sunday but our congragation is great they know to admire her from a distance because they know what she has gone through.
We are Blessed that my mom and dad are able to keep Oakley for us. I'm not sure who spoils her more Grandma or Papa.
Christopher and Peyton are playing Spring Baseball, Peyton also plays on a Travel Ball team. His team is ranked #1 in the state of Georgia for their divison "GO HITTERS"!! Christopher got Braces today. I think that he is in a little more pain than he ever thought that he would be.
Auston had them 2 years ago and has really enjoyed aggravating him.
Auston is a sophmore in high school so school work and video games are keeping him busy. All 3 boys love Oakley so much and she will light up the room when she see's any one of them.
Sheree (Oakley's mama)