Update in pictures

Update in pictures
Oakley having fun in the Rain

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oakley's Surgery

Oakley had her surgery today and is really doing great. Her stomach and intestines are all that were up. They were able to close the hole in her diaphram by using her own muscle and tissue. The surgeon told us that the chance of her ever reherniating are very small, since they did not have to use the patch. She had the surgery Laproscopic and only has three small incisions on one of her sides. As she grows I don't think you will be able to notice unless you know what she has gone through. Oakley is a special little girl and has amazed us everyday. The Doctors and nurses here have been wonderful and have given our little girl the utmost attention. We have loved everyone at Children's Health Care of Atlanta at Egleston. This place is full of miracles that happen everyday. We appreciate all the prayers that we have received and please continue to pray for Miss Oakley, because now the healing process will start she still has a long road ahead of her.


  1. thanks for your post on our blog. We are glad Nayeli helped you have hope with Oakley. I know how you felt. I was scared too. I prayed each day and told Nayeli to fight and beat CDH.
    Nayeli had the laproscopic surgery too. They thought her liver was up and then after the surgery they said it wasn't.
    We are praying for your little girl.
    I would like to add your blog to ours if thats ok.

  2. I am glad that Oakley is doing great!!! I will pray for her to get much better every day, with love, faith and the help of the medicine she will be heal soon!!!



  3. Welcome to the world Oakley!!! I just found your blog via Liz--and Skye & Carla mentioned her on Joseph's. I will be praying for a speedy recovery for Oakley and that she grows stronger each day (she will need it with 3 brothers!!) She is absolutely beautiful... Please keep us posted on how she does and I will definately keep you all in my prayers!!

  4. Lil Miss Oakley, you are just sooo beautiful.
    God bless you and your family.

    Praying for you,
    Joseph's "grammy"

  5. Praying for your little miracle. She is so pretty. Glad to hear she was able to have her repair and is doing well.

  6. What a beautiful name and a beautiful little girl!!! Lots and lots of prayers to coming to you from all of our members. Whatever we can do, what ever information or support you need, please know that you have an entire community, a whole CHERUBS CDH family, behind you and praying for you!!!

    Dawn Williamson

    CHERUBS - The Association of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Research, Awareness and Support

  7. Welcome to the world Oakley!! Happy to hear that she has had her repair and many prayers that she is getting stronger and doing very well.

    Tracy Meats - mom to Ian, born with a LCDH on 4/3/04 and WY and CO State Rep. for CHERUBS (www.cdhsupport.org)

  8. welcome to the world Oakley!!!!
