Update in pictures

Update in pictures
Oakley having fun in the Rain

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No more Vent

Oakley came off of the Ventilater on Sunday. She has been doing great since. She is up to 45 ml on feeds (via feeding tube). We will start trying to bottle feed tomorrow. Please pray that she does well with this. She loves her paci, I hope that is a sign that she will love the bottle as well.
I was able to dress her for the first time today and yes she was wearing pink!
We are now waiting for a room to open on the B side of the NICU. This is a huge step closer to the H word. The doctors keep telling us not to tell Oakley how well she is doing that she doesn't know and that we don't want to tell her.

Brian went home to be with our three wonderful boys a week and half ago. The nights get pretty lonely but we both know that we are where we need to be. If anything the whole experience of CDH has brought our family, it has brought us closer to GOD. As a whole our families FAITH has grown so much over the last seven months. The day we found out that Oakley had CDH we had no clue what it was and I remember walking out of the doctors office crying and praying at the same time. God is good we don't always understand why he does somethings but he is always good.

Brian and I are greatful to all that have been and continue to pray for our little Oakley. Please continue to pray for Oakley and our family. GOD is listening!!



  1. That is wonderful news! Way to go Oakley. You are kicking CDH booty. Keep it up. We are praying for you little Princess Warrior.

  2. Those are great news!!! We keep praying for Oakley and that soon she will be out of the Hospital!!!


  3. What wonderful news to wake up to!!! We are glad Oakley is doing soo much better and can go home soon! she is such a fighter!! We will continue to have you in our prayers and Good luck with the bottle feeding! i am sure she will do great!

  4. Wonderful news!!! Keep up the good work Oakley!! Best wishes, Oakley keeps doing well with her feeds and no vent.

    Tracy Meats - WY and CO State Rep. for CHERUBS

  5. GREAT JOB OAKLEY!! We are definately lifting her up in prayer--and GOD DOES LISTEN! You will have her home in no time. Please continue to keep us posted :)

  6. Go Oakley! I hope your bottle feeds go great.

  7. GO Oakley! :) Those are wonderful news. We miss you guys, I wish we were still there :( but I know that Joseph is watching over miss Oakley.


    ~ Carla - Joseph's mom (2.3.09 - 2.26.09)

  8. Oakley will always have an angel watching over her. Joseph will take care of that. We continue to pray for Lil Ms Oakley and your family. Keep those great news coming!

    Joseph's "Grammy"
