Update in pictures

Update in pictures
Oakley having fun in the Rain

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hard to keep up!!

It is so hard to keep up with posting on the blog.
Oakley is doing great she is weighing around 9 1/2 pounds.
She is talking (baby talk) alot, she is laughing out loud
everyday and loves to be talked to. She is amazing. She will
be 4 months old on Friday and it doesn't seem like it. Time
sure does fly.

Oakley isn't the only one that has been keeping us busy, now
that school is out our three wonderful boys are keeping us on
our toes. They are wonderful helpers.

Peyton our youngest son is 7 and this is the first year that
he has been eligible for All-Stars in baseball. They announced
the players on June 1st and he was so excited about making the
team. He told me he had waited his whole life for this.

Friday night while at practice Peyton went to the bathroom, the door
is a big metal door with a spring that makes it close really fast.
Well Peyton wasn't able to get his hand out of the way before the
door closed and it cut the end off one of his fingers (only a little
skin held it on). It cut it so bad that you could see the end of the
bone. The doctor told us that if it had been a hair more it would have
been much worse. They were able to stitch the end back on but are unsure
if it will hold. We have to take him Monday to see an Orthopedic surgeon to
make sure the finger is healing. Peyton has done great. He hasn't complained
any. He is only worried about being able to play baseball. Please
keep him in your prayers. He is a tuff little guy.

I will post again soon.


  1. I cant believe Oakley will be 4 months. Glad she is doing great!
    Sorry to hear about Peyton. I hope his finger heals fast,

  2. WOW, 4 months! Time sure flies. We need new pics. I hope that everything will be fine with Peyton's finger. Pls keep us posted. Praying for a quick/full healing. We need that baseball player :-)

  3. Sorry to hear about Peyton's little finger. Happy four months Oakley! Davis is four months too (roughly). Thanks for the entry. We know your hands are full!
