Update in pictures

Update in pictures
Oakley having fun in the Rain

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 14, 2010

11 Months Old

Oakley is now 11 months old and is doing so good. We are enjoying watching her grow so much. She is getting very close to walking. She will hold on to things in the living room and walk around, she does very good, but still hasn't got the nerve to turn loose yet. As far as health Oakley is still doing great, she goes for her 1 year check up next month. She is still very small and petite, but we were told when she was born that she probably always would be. Sorry it has been so long since we updated, but because of our computer crashing at home only able to update this at work when I have time and lately we have been very busy. Hope to have new pictures coming soon. Hope everything is going well with each of you that keep up with Oakley's Blog.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for the update.
    So glad Oakley is doing well. She will be in to everything in no time. How wonderful!
